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Rent-to-SA Deal - 2 Bed House in Kingston Upon Thames
This is a decent rent-to-SA deal with a moderate ROI and a low initial investment.
The property is located in a popular area with good transport links and attractions.
The property is furnished and ready to rent out, which saves you time and money.
Initial Investment
Nightly Rate:£160
Deposit: £2,200
Finders Fee:£3,000
Rent in Advance:
Monthly Cash Flow
Occupancy Rate:75% (based on [SA Rentals data)
Gross Income:£3,600 (160 x 0.75 x 30)
Expenses:£2,840 (2,200 + 640)
Management Fee:15% of gross income (£640)
Net Profit:£760
ROI:123% (9,120 / 7,400 x 100)
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